Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Exploring The Problems With Crash Diets

Exploring The Problems With Crash Diets

People, who go on Crash Diets, look to lose the most weight in the shortest time. Past experiences tell them that this is the best plan of attack for losing weight. Some refer to Social Media, following some celebrity, searching for a way to lose those unwanted pounds. Why are crash diets the wrong way to go? Wonder why crash diets have a bad reputation?

With crash diets, obviously, the weight loss is temporary. Changing to such a diet will cause the body to store less water. The weight you end up losing will be water, and not fat. I have to admit, you will be thinner and less bloated, but, this is only temporary. As soon as the diet ends, the weight returns.

Depending on how long you're on the diet, you might lose some fat. But, this is very dangerous and very unhealthy. The body often goes into starvation mode. It's the same as if you were on a deserted island with nothing to eat. The body would slow it's metabolism to conserve anything that might be already stored. Of course, the lower metabolism will be the thing that will cause weight gain when you do finally eat.

There is a psychological effect of ending a crash diet. This effect causes the person to not get enough to eat, hence, over eating. A good many people who go on these crash diets find themselves heavier a month after than they were before the diet.

The health component. There are significant health issues utilizing a crash diet. Crash diets are very restrictive on types of foods, sometimes, whole food groups. Knocking out whole food groups can put the body into an unhealthy state, if done for long term. Not only is it bad for the long term, but also the short term too.

Nutrient deficiency. While you can take supplements to make up for those lost nutrients you would get from the cut food groups, these supplements rely on ingredients from those foods. Nutrient deficiencies can cause uncontrolable cravings, which will lead to breaking the diet anyway. Binges like this can give you more of those nutrients, that would be less healthy.

In summary, crash dieting would only be useful if you needed a temporary fix for an event. Of course, if you don't mind gaining it back, or more. The healthier option would be to lose the weight slowly, preferrablly through life style changes. Get involved with a diet plan that doesn't ban foods, but also allows occasional treats. Crash dieting is a NO-NO. This doesn't fix the problem, it only makes it worse in the long run.

Interested in a diet plan that will be healthier for you. Let me introduce The 3 Week Diet! This plan brings to the table a better way to lose weight. You will learn more about what and what not to put into your body. Go for that life style change you've been looking for.

Click Here for The 3 Week Diet and Look it over!