Eating Healthy For Losing Weight | 7 Great Tips
Here today I'm going to lay out 7 great tips on eating healthy for losing weight. If you follow these 7 tips, you could soon get close to making your weight loss goals. Don't worry, once you get into it, it will be extremely easy to implement this into everyday life.

1. Take in more starchy foods - we've been lead to believe that starches like potatoes, rice and pastas are fattening. Actually, these foods contain fewer calories one gram for gram basis than fat. It's just the type of starches you must choose for a healthier diet. Wholegrain rice and pasta, eat potato skins and include something of starch in every meal. This will make you feel full longer and make it easier for you not to snack.
2. Fruits and Veggies - it is recommended to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, pretty unrealistic. Try fruit juice, 100% pure and unsweetened. Chopping a banana or some strawberries into your breakfast cereal and eat a piece of fruit for a mid morning snack.
3. Fish, Fish and more Fish - fish is packed with protein, vitamins and minerals. Eat fish at least twice a week, with one being an oily fish for the Omega 3 fats. Some examples of oily fish are: salmon, trout, mackerel, fresh tuna, herring, pilchards and sardines. Frozen and canned fish will not do, some canned fishes have a high salt content.

4. Slash the Salt - some people who don't add salt can still be getting too much salt. Things like soups, breakfast cereals, breads and sauces have lots of salt added already. A well known fact is that salt raises blood pressure. High blood pressure increases chances of stroke and/or heart disease.
5. Breakfast - in our busy lives, we tend to skip breakfast. Having breakfast is helpful in losing weight. A healthy breakfast includes whole meal cereals with fresh fruit and low fat milk. You could even have some whole wheat toast, the important thing is to eat something!
6. Water - drink plenty of water, this stops dehydration. Drink more than a liter of fluid a day - water, fruit juices and milk all count. No sodas or fizzy drinks!
7. No alcohol - alcohol has loads of empty calories, if you're serious about losing weight you'll cut it out. You'll only get a buzz from it and a lot of pounds. Instead of beer or hard liquor, try having a glass of wine.

These 7 great tips on healthy eating for losing weight can help in making that goal. It won't happen overnight, this is a marathon not a sprint. This is not a diet, but a lifestyle change to lose weight a make you feel a lot better.
If you are interested in some recipes on Healthy Eating then Click Here and give it a look see. Good Luck and Much Success!