Sunday, September 25, 2016

What's A Simple Quick Weight Loss Solution?

What's A Simple Quick Weight Loss Solution?

We are surely aware of the effective methods for quick weight loss. Most dieters will opt to using the formula for consuming fewer calories each day. Doing this, however, causes many side-effects that brings long-lasting problems.

Usually, what you will get is an increase in hunger pangs. This also includes an increase in cravings for sugar and food. Weakness, is another side effect, because of the extremely low energy levels. Which gives us another effect, binging, make that uncontrollable binging. Reducing the caloric intake slows down the metabolism and causes the body to store more fat.

Proper weight loss means knowing how the body works. When you consume the right amount of calories (around 1500-2500 calories a day), with the right types of food, the result is quick weight loss. The correct types of protein, carbohydrates (no sugary foods) and essential fats.

Consuming the right amount of calories every day, there won't be weight gain or weight loss. What's needed is an additional trigger for weight loss to begin. The trigger? Burn more calories than the body takes in. Routine exercise is the perfect answer.

Exercise, did you know that the body has an inherent genetic predisposition to doing nothing. Everyone would rather sit in front of the TV, instead of going for a long exhausting walk. The body can be trained to doing exercise, and not to stay at rest. This doesn't take long, and the results are amazing.

Start Slowly. If you eat the right amount of foods, with a diet of highly nutritious foods, along with the minimal exercise, weight loss is achieved. Eating the right foods and simple going for a 15 minute walk either after lunch or dinner. A 15 minute walk at a steady pace can burn a couple hundred calories every time.

One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. If a person can burn an additional 200 calories every day, it would take just under 3 weeks to lose 1 pound. Imagine, if you would walk twice as much a day, us could lose that same pound of fat in half that time. One pound lost in just over a week.

So here it is, a simple solution for quick weight loss doesn't mean dieting. A change in the foods that you consume along with adding a minimal exercise routine each day, you can lose 4 to 5 pounds each month. This alone means a good 50 to 60 pounds in a year.

Want to do more than a 15 minute walk? Here's something that will help in taking care of that belly fat. Do you want those 6 Pack Abs? Check Out This 6 Pack Abs Review.

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